Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures

Age of Conan as the name suggests is based on the folklore of Conan the Barbarian and see you play one of four groups of main characters: Mage barbarian, thief and a soldier, as he embarks on his quest, not only to complete the part of a single-player game, but the growth of its line of characters within the community.
Players who wish to take up the challenge Funcom and publisher Eidos in the UK, call the plot to select a character based on one of four sets of characters. Instead of throwing the dogs you have to play from the beginning online players through 20 levels of single player element before the game to trigger a desert landscape. Funcom estimates that players take somewhere between 6-20 hours based on experience, but he says, means you'll be somewhat ready for the challenge, Age of Conan ahead. In reality, those who want to take part only player to have his life put in about 250 hours before reaching the greatest experience: 80th Level
Of those four-digit number of the barbarians, wizards, soldiers and thieves are still three classes, where you can further refine your character and to recognize the players to change, you can create your character from scratch and prepare things are changing, as the bones of the face, or tone color.
Rather than viewed from different countries and different situations with World of Warcraft (WOW), Age of Conan all players start the same linear narrative. You are a slave dumped in a new continent seeking to return to your past, and perhaps meet King Conan on the road.

Like all MMORPGs, the experience gained through completing quests and general interaction and is also evident from the short game, this is not the title, which will learn and play. This, like wow, you have to give your life. A reward of losing the girlfriend / wife / lover of his day / week / month long sessions of game play is the possibility of attacks and sieges. Players with experience in evaluation at level 80 (250 hours recall) may participate in the raids that works with 20 or so people online will allow you to address the patterns of play as a team. If this were not enough of an attractive they could also play seats where an element of real-time strategy has been introduced. The seats will be focused around teamwork to win a team. Players can join a guild, such as World of Warcraft, which in turn can build an entire city with maintenance. As a strategy game in real time as Age of Empires, players will be able to local mining areas for crops and harvest ore to help finance their dream of building the city. Continue RTS theme, players will be able to build city elements that will help in combat, such as armories and stables. Siege sees all this adds up to fight in epic battles, according to Eidos, for a period of several hours instead of minutes. So what do we think? Well our game was short, but enjoy the atmosphere of the game and MMO fans who spoke at the launch in Oslo, Norway, Age of Conan seems to be a success which gives a disappointed fan of WOW new look to a world of fantasy action and adventure. The control system was easy to understand, but also offered many combos and shortcuts to give depth to those looking for it (like WOW Zboard is a keyboard shortcut brings dedicated).

Furthermore we particularly appreciated the introduction of animals from horses to mammoths, which offers different strengths and weaknesses, while the Ranger class comes with its firing mode loop to the first person to calm down those who want more that a simple melee and magic. The class system with murderers and assistants seem to provide enough meat for players to enter without being accused of being light on the offer, while the promise of "raided" as a journalist suggested that we talk MMO Age of Conan is marked here as well. Of course, everything could be the promised land, the fans have already discussed concern about the two online servers distinguished European and American players from the game itself (the problem was that the time zone), but even supporters within Funcom spoke honestly and suggested this is not a game for the new, rather than a complaint really only World of Warcraft players.


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